MD_MetaData { fileIdentifier = "BlueMarbleNG", language = "eng; USA", characterSet = utf8, hierarchyLevel = [ dataset ], contact = [ { individualName = "Kevin Ward", organisationName = "Science Systems and Applications, Inc. / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center", positionName = "NEO Architect & Developer", contactInfo = { phone = { voice = "+1 503 246 1608" }, address = { deliveryPoint = "NASA GSFC, Code 613", city = "Greenbelt", administrativeArea = "MD", postalCode = "20771", country = "USA", electronicMailAddress = "" } }, role = pointOfContact } ], dateStamp = { 2018, january, 6 }, metadataStandardName = "ISO 19115 Geographic information - Metadata", metadataStandardVersion = "ISO 19115:2003(E)", spatialRepresentationInfo = [ MD_Georectified { numberOfDimensions = 2, cellGeometry = area, transformationParameterAvailability = true, cornerPoints = [ {-90, -180}, {90, 180} ], pointInPixel = center } ], referenceSystemInfo = [ { referenceSystemIdentifier = { code = "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" } } ], identificationInfo = [ { citation = { title = "Blue Marble: Next Generation", date = { dateType = publication, date = { 2018, january, 6 } }, identifier = { code = "BlueMarbleNG" }, presentationForm = mapDigital, citedResponsibleParty = [ { individualName = "Reto Stöckli", organisationName = "NASA Earth Observatory (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)", contactInfo = { onlineResource = { linkage = "", protocol = "http", applicationProfile = "web browser", name = "Blue Marble: Next Generation", description = "Blue Marble: Next Generation.", function = download } }, role = originator } ] }, abstract = "NASA's Blue Marble: Next Generation images show Earth in true color. The images show how the surface would look to a human in space if our world had no clouds and no atmosphere. NASA's Terra satellite collected these images. There is one Blue Marble image for each month of the year 2004. These images allow us to explore changes on Earth's lands over time. Notice how the patterns of green (trees and plants), brown (exposed land surface), and white (snow) change from winter through spring, summer, and fall. ", purpose = "To make image representations of these data easily accessible.", credit = [ "Blue Marble: Next Generation was produced by Reto Stöckli, NASA Earth Observatory (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center). When using or republishing Blue Marble: Next Generation please credit NASA Earth Observatory." ], status = [ completed ], pointOfContact = [ { individualName = "Kevin Ward", organisationName = "Science Systems and Applications, Inc. / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center", positionName = "NEO Architect & Developer", contactInfo = { phone = { voice = "+1 503 246 1608" }, address = { deliveryPoint = "NASA GSFC, Code 613", city = "Greenbelt", administrativeArea = "MD", postalCode = "20771", country = "USA", electronicMailAddress = "" } }, role = pointOfContact } ], resourceMaintenance = [ { maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency = unknown } ], descriptiveKeywords = [ { keyword = [ "Atmosphere", "Ocean", "Land", "Life", "Energy" ], type = theme, thesaurusName = { title = "None" } } ], resourceConstraints = [ { accessConstraints = otherRestrictions, useConstraints = otherRestrictions, otherConstraints = "Access Constraints: No Access Constraints. Use Constraints: No Use Constraints." } ], language = [ "eng; USA" ], topicCategory = [ imageryBaseMapsEarthCover ], spatialRepresentationType = [ grid ], spatialResolution = [ { distance = Degrees { 0.1 } } ], extent = [ { geographicElement = [ EX_GeographicBoundingBox { southBoundLatitude = -90, westBoundLongitude = -180, northBoundLatitude = 90, eastBoundLongitude = 180 } ], temporalElement = [ { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, january } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, february } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, march } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, april } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, may } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, june } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, july } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, august } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, september } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, october } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, november } } }, { extent = GMLTimeInstant { timePosition = { 2004, december } } } ] } ] } ], contentInfo = [ MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription { includedWithDataset = false } ], metadataMaintenance = { maintenanceNote = "This metadata is based on data in the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata standard version FGDC-STD-001-1998.", contact = [ { organisationName = "Ecere Corporation", contactInfo = { address = { city = "Gatineau", administrativeArea = "QC", country = "Canada", electronicMailAddress = "" } }, role = distributor } ] } }